Monday, January 26, 2009

Want to run windows (IE) in linux

First extract and install the wine package from internet by running the command in the "terminal".


@localhost ~]$ yum -y install wine cabextract


After extracting and installation.

Step:1> Go to the file location (i.e) where the file is located in the Drive that u want to run in the linux through terminal. To go to that location use the command cd Path to the file (file path ).

: /home/Bruce/Documents/wine.

Step:2> Type " wine explorer.exe "(with out quotes(") ) in the terminal.

Step:3> Use the browser to surf the internet and enjoy.

Another Method to run (with out using terminal ).

Step:1> Go to the file location by GUI ( Graphical User Interface ) that is through mouse.

Step:2> Run the file by clicking it.

wine has capbility of running some of the windows files in linux .

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