Monday, January 26, 2009

how to play all video formats in linux (Fedora )

Let us get started. Are you ready?

playing music and video in Fedora 9

1. Open a terminal and switch to root user.
Launch the terminal from the panel menu
Click Applications->System Tools->Terminal
On the terminal type: su -
Type your root password and hit enter key on the keyboard.

2. Check whether sound is properly configured on your system.
play /usr/share/sounds/startup3.wav

If you hear sounds proceed further. Otherwise check volume control and sound devices configuration. Below is the output when you play the wav sound file from the terminal.
Input File : '/usr/share/sounds/startup3.wav'
Sample Size : 16-bit (2 bytes)
Sample Encoding: signed (2's complement)
Channels : 2
Sample Rate : 44100

Time: 00:02.50 [00:00.00] of 00:02.50 ( 100.0%) Output Buffer: 110.36K


3. Enable the repository.

"rpm -ivh "

3a. If you are using Fedora 9 use

"rpm -ivh "

4. Remove the totem and xine packages installed on your computer. Let us use the totem packages from the instead. From this step we will use yum. Close other applications that use yum in the background. Pirut - Add/Remove Software and Software Updater use yum as back end. You may also have to stop yum-updatesd daemon running on your computer.

"yum remove totem totem-mozplugin totem-plparser xine xine-lib "

Use these commands to kill the existing yum processes if you encounter any issues running yum.

"killall yum-updatesd "
"rm /var/run/ "

5. Download and install the codecs from

"yum install gstreamer-plugins-bad gstreamer-plugins-bad-extras gstreamer-plugins-ugly xine-lib-extras-nonfree "

6. Download and install totem player and its plugins.

"yum install totem-xine totem-xine-mozplugin totem-xine-galago totem-xine-lirc "

7. Optionally download and install other media players.
a) Audicious

"yum install audacious-plugins-nonfree-aac audacious-plugins-nonfree-alac audacious-plugins-nonfree-lame audacious-plugins-nonfree-mms audacious-plugins-nonfree-mp3 audacious-plugins-nonfree-tta audacious-plugins-nonfree-wma audacity-nonfree "

b) ffmpeg: FFMpeg is a complete and free Internet live audio and video
broadcasting solution. It can encode in real time in many formats including MPEG1 audio
and video, MPEG4, h263, ac3, asf, avi, real, mjpeg, and flash.

"yum install ffmpeg ffmpeg-libs ffmpeg2theora gstreamer-ffmpeg "

c) mplayer

"yum install mplayer mplayer-doc mplayer-fonts mplayer-gui mplayerplug-in gnome-mplayer "

d) xmms

"yum install xmms-faad2 xmms-mp3 xmms-normalize "

e) Rhythmbox

"yum install rhythmbox-lirc rhythmbox-upnp "

f) Others

"yum install vlc "

Note:- Type all the specified things with out quotes ( " ) in the "terminal"

Launch your favorite multimedia application from the GNOME panel and play your favorite music or video.

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