Monday, January 26, 2009

Adding repositories to linux

Before you add repositories it's probably a good idea to make sure your system is fully updated first. At this point I'm prefering the Livna repository as it's the most useful and complete but at some point I might need to add another one for things that are lacking there. The easiest way to get started is to install the livna-release packages:


# rpm -ihv


Please note: If you are upgrading from a previous release this command will fail with a conflict. Skip to the next section on upgrading from a previous release instead.

When adding additional repositories be very careful as many respositories don't mix well. It's ok to add specialized repositories such as the one for Flash below, but when mixing general repositories such as FreshRPMs, Livna or ATrpms there are often conflicts that are difficult to recover from.

You can browse the packages available there at
Upgrading from previous Fedora

There are a few things you need to do when upgrading from a previous version of Fedora. This was tested only with Fedora 7 so older versions may not work quite as easily. The first thing you want to do is upgrade the repository package for the newer version.


# rpm -Uhv


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